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Wynola Ranch

General purpose or Grow-out cage

General purpose or Grow-out cage

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General purpose or Grow-out cage






Can be used as grow-out pen ideal for raising quail and smaller poultry. As well as a supplementary cage or hospital cage.

All GAW welded wire construction and can be torch as an organic method of sterilization.

This general-purpose cage is ideal to have around the homestead, farm or, yard because it can fulfil many rolls even as a transport cage.

Large side door with easy latch door latch. The benefit of the larger door is the ability to manage and maintain both birds and cage and you are able to place drinks inside the cage.

The wire sides on the cage allow for automatic drinker to be hung from it as well as feeders.

Simple to assemble.

Cage is sturdy enough to be hung from its four corners.

Smaller grid at the bottom of the cage to help prevent juvinle birds from escaping.

12- gauge and 14-gauge welded wire.

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